Title Perovskite solar cells with monolayer modified PTAA and application to all-perovskite tandem solar cells with efficiency over 25% /
Authors Tavgenienė, Daiva ; Bi, Huan ; Fujiwara, Yasuhiro ; Ding, Chao ; Sahamir, Shahrir Razey ; Sanehira, Yoshitaka ; Baranwal, Ajay Kumar ; Takeshi, Kitamura ; Shi, Guozheng ; Kapil, Gaurav ; Zhang, Zheng ; Wang, Liang ; Bessho, Takeru ; Segawa, Hiroshi ; Grigalevicius, Saulius ; Shen, Qing ; Hayase, Shuzi
DOI 10.15388/IOR2023
ISBN 9786090708835
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Is Part of Open readings 2023: 66th international conference for students of physics and natural sciences, April 18-21, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania: annual abstract book / editors: M. Keršys, Š. Mickus.. Vilnius : Vilnius University press, 2023. p. 278-287.. ISBN 9786090708835
Abstract [eng] Organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have achieved a recorded power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 25.7%.[1] Thus, PSCs are considered to be the dominant player in the next-generation photovoltaic market.[2] So far, single-junction PSCs with narrow bandgap values have attracted attention.[3] As a member of perovskite materials, widebandgap perovskite (WBG-PVK) can`t be ignored because it is important for tandem solar cells due to its matchable bandgap.[4] However, low PCE and the current of WBG-PSCs limited the efficiency of the tandem solar cell. So, it is necessary to further improve the PCE of wide bandgap PSCs. Here, we demonstrate a series of SAMs with different alkyl chain lengths as interfacial modifiers to modify the PTAA and perovskite layer for improving the optoelectronic properties of PSCs by improving the quality of perovskite films and increasing the transport and extraction of interfacial carriers. The structures of the self-assembled monolayer materials (SAMs) is presented in Figure 1. [...].
Published Vilnius : Vilnius University press, 2023
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2023
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