Title The resilience of global value chains to the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of the apparel manufacturing sector /
Translation of Title Globalių vertės grandinių atsparumas COVID-19 pandemijai: drabužių gamybos sektoriaus atvejis.
Authors Simaitytė, Ernesta
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Pages 75
Keywords [eng] resilience ; global value chains ; apparel ; COVID-19
Abstract [eng] COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on businesses and their global value chains. Restrictions forcing businesses to close, uncertainty, changing consumers behaviour, lack of materials, and bankruptcies are just several examples of the COVID-19 outcomes. Supply chains and whole networks were disrupted, costs of transportation and materials increased. Companies were struggling trying to maintain the business. Although, pandemic also brought some opportunities, such as digitalization or growth of e-commerce. Companies, which managed to take these opportunities, were able to benefit from the current situation and grow. Companies operating in apparel sector were not an exception and were heavily affected by the disruption, as well. As majority of global value chain activities in apparel industry are based in Asian markets, companies faced serious challenges. Factories in Asia were closing, shortages of materials began, issues related with transportation of goods occurred. To continue the operations, apparel companies had to take certain decisions and reorganize their global value chains. COVID-19 proved the importance of global value chain resilience. However, literature analysis demonstrated that there is lack of empirical evidence on characteristics of resilient global value chain. For this reason, an empirical study is conducted in this work.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2023