Title Вербалізація семантики карантинних заборон і обмежень в українській мові /
Translation of Title Verbalization of the semantics of quarantine prohibitions and restrictions in Ukrainian.
Authors Matvieieva, Svitlana ; Kasperė, Ramunė
DOI 10.36575/2353-2912/1(10)2022.097
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Is Part of Forum Filologiczne Ateneum = Ateneum Philological Forum.. Gdańsk : Ateneum-Szkoła Wyższa w Gdańsku. 2022, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 97-107.. ISSN 2353-2912. eISSN 2719-8537
Keywords [eng] emantics of prohibition ; genre of advertisement ; Ukrainian language ; creolization ; addressant ; addresse
Abstract [eng] The article deals with the specifics of the verbal implementation of prohibitions and restrictions in quarantine-epidemiological texts. The object is the category of prohibition, the subject is the specifics of the verbalization of this category, namely the structural and semantic content, pragmatic and discursive features of the functioning of the verbal representatives of the semantics of the prohibition. The actual material for this paper is the texts of informational messages in the Ukrainian language, which refer to the prohibition on visiting public places without protective masks. Lexical, syntactic, graphic means of textual organization of prohibition announcements were studied. Special attention is paid to the categories of addressant and addressee, methods of explication of these discursive elements, specific creolization of the studied advertisement texts.
Published Gdańsk : Ateneum-Szkoła Wyższa w Gdańsku
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
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