Title (Tetrafluorovinylphenyl)carbazole as a multifunctional material for OLED applications /
Authors Ivaniuk, Khrystyna ; Stakhira, Pavlo ; Yaremchuk, Iryna ; Kutsiy, Stepan ; Bulavinets, Tetiana ; Volyniuk, Dmytro ; Klymenko, Ivan ; Sych, Galyna ; Karaush-Karmazin, Nataliya ; Ali, Amjad ; Vaitusionak, Aliaksei ; Kostjuk, Sergei V ; Grazulevicius, Juozas Vidas ; Baryshnikov, Glib V
DOI 10.1021/acsaelm.3c00047
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Is Part of ACS Applied electronic materials.. Washington : American Chemical Society. 2023, vol. 5, iss. 4, p. 2156-2168.. ISSN 2637-6113
Keywords [eng] charge transfer ; exciplex ; fluorescence ; OLED ; polymer ; quantum dots
Abstract [eng] The multifunctional materials for application in organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) based on a single structural motif are very desired but quite rare species. Such structures allow simplifying the chemical variety within OLED heterostructures and thus reducing their cost, manufacturing time, and logistic efforts. In this paper, we report the 9-(2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-4-vinylphenyl)carbazole molecule (Cz4FS) utilized as a fluorescent emitter, host material for quantum dot based OLEDs (QLEDs), acceptor part of the exciplex active layer, and monomer that can be used for the preparation of emissive polymers and copolymers. The external quantum efficiency (EQE) of the corresponding fluorescent OLED based on a Cz4FS single emitter doped into a 1,3-bis(carbazol-9-yl)benzene matrix is 4.2%, which is close to the theoretical limit and maximum brightness at the level of 3600 cd/m2. An OLED based on exciplex emission obtained utilizing Cz4FS as an acceptor demonstrates higher efficiency (5.3%) and much higher brightness near 25 000 cd/m2. A QLED based on Cz4FS as a host for CdSeS/ZnS core-shell quantum dots demonstrates excellent energy transfer from the Cz4FS matrix that results in a clear spectrum of quantum dots with an EQE of 2.3%, maximum of 19 000 cd/m2, and narrow spectral distribution. An OLED based on a Cz4FS-based polymer and copolymer demonstrates not extraordinary efficiency but low-efficiency roll-off in a wide range of current densities.
Published Washington : American Chemical Society
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
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