Title Application of capillary flow porometry to predict the filtration efficiency of nanofibrous polymer membranes /
Authors Poceviciute, G ; Masione, G ; Ciuzas, D ; Krugly, E ; Tichonovas, M ; Martuzevicius, D ; Kauneliene, V
DOI 10.15388/CCT.2023
ISBN 9786090708330
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Is Part of Chemistry and chemical technology: international conference CCT-2023, March 10, 2023, Vilnius: conference book.. Vilnius : Vilnius university press, 2023. P 060, p. 97.. ISBN 9786090708330
Abstract [eng] Introduction. Of all pollutants present in the ambient air, particulate matter (PM) is the most dangerous and has the greatest negative impact on human health. Filtration is one of the most technically and economically feasible methods for the removal of particles from air. In recent years, nanofibrous polymer membranes gain popularity due to their high filtration efficiency, which depends on fibre and pore sizes, as well as their size distribution. Capillary flow porometry (CFP) is a widely used method to measure the pore size and pore size distribution of nonwoven fibrous membranes. Here we demonstrate a systematic research of the effects of pore size distributions in nanofibrous membranes to the filtering performance. Methods. Polybutylene succinate (PBS) fibrous mats were electrospun from the chloroform and formic acid (6:4) solution using electrospinning setup (SE-01C, Bious Labs, Lithuania). Different layers of PBS nanofibres were deposited on polypropylene spunbonded nonwoven fabric, by varying deposition duration, which corresponded to a specific weight, and in turn, pore sizes. Pore size distribution was researched using capillary flow porometer (CFP-0410, Bious Labs) and fluorinated hydrocarbon (Porofil, Anton Paar QuantaTec Inc., USA) as a wetting liquid. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis and ImageJ software were used to obtain optical morphological parameters of the same membranes. Aerosol particle filtration efficiency of fabricated membranes was research using an in-house filtration testing setup [1], where the values of filtration efficiency and pressure drop were obtained. Results and conclusions. Filtering mats were obtained with the basis weight between and 0.88 ± 0.35 g/m2 and 18.05 ± 0.58 g/m2, which corresponded to mean pore sizes between 6.0 ± 0.9 μm and 0.5 ± 0.1 μm, as indicated by the CFP method (Figure 1 A). The filtration efficiency against NaCl particles varied from 31.5 to 99.5 %, while the pressure drop was in the range between 1 to 455 Pa. As expected, the efficiency and pressure drop were adversely affected by the pore size, although relationship was of different nature (Figure 1 B). Pore sizes within the interval between 0.5 and 1 um appear to be critical in terms of pressure drop, while maintaining relatively high filtration efficiency. This allows optimization of filter material in terms of the energy use for the applications of industrial filtration. [...].
Published Vilnius : Vilnius university press, 2023
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2023
CC license CC license description