Title Synthesis of novel N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-β-alanine derivatives /
Authors Gelminauskaitė, R ; Grybaitė, B ; Mickevičiūtė, E
DOI 10.15388/CCT.2023
ISBN 9786090708330
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Is Part of Chemistry and chemical technology: international conference CCT-2023, March 10, 2023, Vilnius: conference book.. Vilnius : Vilnius university press, 2023. P 023, p. 60.. ISBN 9786090708330
Abstract [eng] β-Amino acids are promising intermediates in organic, bioorganic, medicinal, and peptide chemistry. Great number of natural and synthetic compounds, containing b-alanine moiety, are biologically active and find application in pharmacy. A large number of chemotherapeutics are developed for medicinal use nowadays but the increasing resistance of pathogens to available pharmaceuticals has created an essential demand for new efficient classes of antimicrobial agents. Given the promising pharmacological potential of highly functionalized carbocyclic β-amino acids bearing hydroxy, azido, amino, or fluoro groups can be as building blocks in the synthesis of novel bioactive compounds. The aim of this work was to synthesize compounds containing the above-mentioned two fragments and to determine the biological properties of the obtained compounds. [1-3] [...].
Published Vilnius : Vilnius university press, 2023
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2023
CC license CC license description