Title Architectural factors influencing a housing market value: a theoretical framework /
Authors Skripkiƫnas, Tomas ; Navickas, Valentinas
DOI 10.2478/remav-2023-0003
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Is Part of Real estate management and valuation.. Warsaw : De Gruyter. 2023, vol. 31, iss. 1, p. 25-35.. ISSN 1733-2478. eISSN 2300-5289
Keywords [eng] housing market value ; architectural factors ; hedonic models ; economic value
Abstract [eng] A housing price, not considering its change over time, is widely determined by hedonic properties. This is common in literature; however, there is a significant part of a price, the so-called unexplained variance, that is not captured by hedonic models. The scientific problem of this research is how to classify and visualize architectural factors that might have an influence on the market value of a dwelling. The object of the research are architectural factors in a housing market value analysis and the aim of research is to describe the theoretical framework that defines the structure and scope of architectural variables influencing a housing market value. Not all architectural factors described in the literature review are equal in terms of scale, measurability, public or private context, aesthetic or functional priority. A systematic approach would be to classify architectural factors as a matrix of built environment properties. Two orthogonal dimensions can be identified: architectural factors spanning from non-design (functional, utilitarian) to design (abstract, unexplained) and factors spanning from architectural design (private) to urban design (public). A multidimensional and complex system of architectural variables influencing a housing market value exists. Understanding this system is crucial for a housing development to succeed.
Published Warsaw : De Gruyter
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
CC license CC license description