Title Development of electromagnetic damper /
Authors Krishnamoorthy, Shanker Ganesh ; SkiedraitÄ—, Inga
DOI 10.5755/j01.mech.21.3.9838
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Is Part of Mechanika.. Kaunas : KTU. 2015, vol. 21, no. 3, p. 226-233.. ISSN 1392-1207. eISSN 2029-6983
Keywords [eng] electromagnetic damper (EMD) ; eddy current damping ; magnetic levitation ; magnetic repulsion ; sole-noid
Abstract [eng] This paper presents the development of an elec-tromagnetic damper on proposed system of three stages of damping. Mechanical design, control system and control algorithm was developed for EMD. Control algorithm for EMD was explained by considering feedback system, and choosing control elements, sensor. Investigation was done regarding the three stages of damping. Based on the exper-imental setup theoretical evaluations as well as finite ele-ment modelling was done. The possible application of proposed EMD is mentioned in this paper.
Published Kaunas : KTU
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2015
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