Title Vadovavimo stiliaus ir darbuotojų profesinio perdegimo sąsajos /
Translation of Title Relationship between leadership styles and employee professional burnout.
Authors Jacunskas, Kęstutis
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Pages 75
Keywords [eng] professional burnout syndrome ; emotional exhaustion ; depersonalization ; reduction of personal aspirations, leadership style
Abstract [eng] Jacunskas, Kęstutis. Relationship Between Leadership Styles and Employee Professional Burnout. Master's Final Degree Project / supervisor assoc. prof. dr. Nida Kvedaraitė; Panevėžys Faculty of Technologies and Business, Kaunas University of Technology. Study field and area (study field group): Management, Social Sciences (Business and Public Administration). Keywords: professional burnout syndrome, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduction of personal aspirations, leadership style. Panevėžys, 2023. 45 pages. Summary Due to the ever-increasing pace of life around the world and the changing nature of the work of employees in various fields, representatives of many professions have to communicate more and more intensively with their clients, patients, and students during their direct work. This group of specialties includes social workers, salespeople, teachers, university professors, doctors, etc. The aforementioned intensive communication causes stress to employees and negatively affects their physical and mental health. The whole world talked about the professional burnout syndrome, which began to be publicized in the 1970s in the USA, and the threat it poses. The Republic of Lithuania is not an exception, where according to the research data of our country's scientists, the prevalence of professional burnout syndrome is similar to that in the developed world. The essence of the syndrome consists of the following components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and a decrease in personal achievements. The main cause of the syndrome is chronic stress experienced by a specific employee in his immediate workplace. Burned out people start to complain about physical (head, back, neck pain, elevated arterial blood pressure) and mental (disturbed sleep, impaired memory, bad mood) health problems. In the long run, the performance of institutions where people who have experienced professional burnout work also deteriorates. Burned-out employees start being late for work, absenteeism increases, they use temporary disability certificates more often, and even leave workplaces where they have worked for many years. Among the many possible causes of chronic stress is the leadership style prevailing in institutions, used by the highest or lower level managers of the institution. The object of the work: employees of a medical institution providing primary health care services operating in one territory of the Republic of Lithuania and the manifestation of professional burnout syndrome among them. The aim of the work: to perform an analysis of the work done by Lithuanian and foreign scientists, a questionnaire survey of the employees working in the institution, and based on this, to perform an analysis of the management style of the head of the institution and the professional burnout of the employees. After evaluating the results, perform a link search. After analyzing the concepts of leadership style, it can be stated that there is no single definition of leadership style. After analyzing a considerable amount of them, leadership style can be defined as interrelated leadership methods, behavioral norms, rules that the leader uses in his work, encouraging subordinates to achieve set goals. 7 Professional burnout syndrome is also treated quite differently. It can be defined as a phenomenon whose causes are diverse. They lie in the organization to which a person belongs, in the individual himself, as well as in the social, economic and political environment. Burnout is the result of longterm distress, which is physical, mental and emotional fatigue. Before conducting the study, it was theoretically assumed that a higher frequency of occurrence of employee burnout syndrome is recorded in the presence of an autocratic leadership style. A lower incidence should be found with democratic, liberal or transformational leadership styles. The hypothesis was confirmed. After conducting a survey of the institution's employees and counting the results of the received questionnaires, the management style practiced by the head of the institution was evaluated by the employees as democratic. After counting the questionnaires of the employees who participated in the study, in which their general state of health and status at the workplace were evaluated, it was found that they did not have a pronounced professional burnout syndrome.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023