Title Vartotojų patirties veiksnių modeliavimas elektroniniu būdu registruojant civilinės būklės aktus ir išduodant jų išrašus Ukmergės rajono savivaldybės administracijoje /
Translation of Title Modelling of customer experience factors in electronically registering civil status acts and issuing their extracts in Ukmergė district municipality administration.
Authors Gineikė, Dovilė
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Pages 75
Keywords [eng] service ; public service ; e. public service ; customer experience ; public value
Abstract [eng] In this master's final project, the determinants of user experience registering acts of civil status electronically and issuing their extracts are modelled and analysed. Nowadays, organizations providing public services pay more attention to the improvement of user experience and its analysis. Although most of them have customer service monitoring, there is a lack of a new approach to the received user experience for the services provided. All services provided should meet the users’ needs and the organizations that provide them ought to provide the maximum benefit of the services, thereby creating the value of the service for the user. More and more organizations are modernizing the provision of public services electronically; this requires expensive information technology solutions, which later require an innovative and far-sighted approach to services, an ability to use these technologies for both the providers of these services and their users. The Civil Registry and Document Management Department of Ukmergė District Municipal Administration registers and issues records of birth, death, marriage, divorce, amendment or addition to the civil status act and extracts certifying them. The services provided by electronic means are valued for their convenience for users, businesses and service providers themselves, but the majority of users of the civil registration department contact the institution directly. Digitization of services saves costs in terms of time and money; it is a convenient way to get services to users at the right time and in the right place. At this time, this topic is relevant enough and is described by many scientists from various different angles. User experience in e-public services is little researched, but the private sector has done a lot of research in this area. Since the variety of services is large and some of them are quite complex, we have to look for new ways to meet the needs of users and provide services quickly, efficiently and with high quality. The analysis of user experience and named factors could influence further important decisions. Due to the existing possibilities, the study of the final project was chosen to be carried out in the author's workplace, in the Civil Registry and Document Management Department of Ukmergė District Municipal Administration. It is important to find out whether it is convenient and clear for users who use electronic services to use them, the problems that arise and the difficult parts of the process stage. The issue has been raised: what are the determinants of consumer experience of electronically registered civil status records and their issued extracts? The object of the study is the factors determining users’ experience concerning electronic public services. The purpose of the study is to analyse the factors that determine the user experience of electronically registered records of the civil status act and their extracts issued by the administration of Ukmergė District Municipality. To achieve the goal, three tasks were set: 1) to create a theoretical model of factors of user experience of electronic public services; 2) to apply the theoretical model of electronic public service user experience factors for the analysis of electronically provided civil status act records registration and issuance services in Lithuania; 3) to evaluate the users’ experience after performing an analysis of the services of registration and issuance of records of the civil status act provided electronically in the administration of Ukmergė District Municipality. Analysis of scientific literature, content analysis of legal acts and documents, analysis of statistical data, theoretical modelling, data collection and systematization, comparative analysis and summarization were used for the research.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023