Title Mokytojo sociаlinio vаidmens rаiškos lyginаmoji аnаlizė tаrрukаrio Lietuvoje ir XXI аmžiuje /
Translation of Title Comparative analysis of the teacher‘s social role in interwar Lithuania and in 21st century.
Authors Sologubienė, Asta
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Pages 71
Keywords [eng] teacher ; social role of the teacher ; social change
Abstract [eng] The roles of teachers in modern educational systems are much more diverse and they have greater responsibility compared to teachers a few decades ago. Attention should be paid to the fact that the social role of the teacher is defined by cultural and social events and time, they influence the differences in the definition of the teacher's role in various cultures, societies, including geographical time and time. This means that the social role of the teacher changes depending on the geographical location, time, cultural and social events. Research problem. What are the characteristics of the expression of the teacher's social role in Lithuania between WWI and WWII and in the 21st century? The object of thesis is the expression of the teacher's social role. The aim thesis is to compare the expression of the teacher's social role in Lithuania in the past and in the 21st century. Tasks of thesis: (1) to analyze the nature of the teacher's social role; (2) evaluate the significance of the teacher's social role and status in foreign countries; (3) to determine the possibilities of expression of the teacher's social role in Lithuania in between WWI and WWII and in the 21st century. Methods of scientific literature analysis, secondary data analysis and content analysis are used in this thesis. The social role of the teacher depended both on their perception of their own role and on the society that valued their role and raised expectations for them that could not be justified. This approach makes the teacher's social role unique, but also makes it prone to cause conflicts with management, colleagues and the wider society. The teacher does not have one specific social role, however, society may have assigned him many roles and expectations that those roles will be fulfilled. Research shows that teachers have a mixed perception of their social role and are more likely to focus on roles that are directly related to the educational process: teacher, educator, caregiver and supervisor. The perception of social variables is influenced by the role of work. It was established that the social role of the teacher has developed since the beginning of the 20th century and has many different aspects. The social role of the teacher, both in the 1930s and in the 21st century Lithuania, is central to the education of the young people, but society's expectations for the teacher today include not only the role of teacher, but also other roles - friend, motivator, supporter, etc. In both periods, priority was given to teachers' knowledge, skills and professional development, however, in the 21st century, the number of demands on the teacher is greater, and students and their parents expect these demands to be adequately met. The teacher's social role is defined from a positive perspective - by revealing the importance of teachers in the educational process of both children and adults (in both eras), by discussing the educational methods and goals applied by teachers (in the era of the 21st century), however, more attention is paid to the teacher's role in a negative context: conflicts between teachers and priests, students' results and behavior (1920-1930s), incidents in schools (in the era of the 21st century). The social role of the teacher was also revealed by the assessment of poor working conditions, which were not satisfactory for teachers in both the 1920-1930s and the 21st century. This project consists of an introduction, a theoretical, analytical and empirical parts, conclusions and recommendations. The theoretical part presents a theoretical analysis of the teacher's social role - the meaning of the teacher's social role and the impact of social training on the teacher's social role are revealed. In the analytical part, an analysis of the significance of the teacher's social image and status in foreign countries is presented. In the empirical part, the methodology and results of the research are presented, which analyze the social role of the teacher in 1920-1930s and the 21st century Lithuania.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023