Title Procesų tobulinimas taikant Lean gamybos sistemos principus baldų įmonėje /
Translation of Title Process improvement using Lean manufacturing system principles in a furniture company.
Authors Steponavičiūtė, Karina
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Pages 72
Keywords [eng] Lean manufacturing ; Lean tols and methods ; 5S ; Kanban ; Kaizen
Abstract [eng] The dynamic business environment encourages companies to critically assess all ongoing processes and look for ways to gain a foothold in the market, to be able not only to secure competitiveness, but also the opportunity to improve, in order to gain these strategic advantages, it is important to evaluate not only innovative and new production technologies, but also to analyze such production systems like Lean. In the thesis, furniture company X was analyzed, whose main problem is: delayed product deliveries to customers, according to the SWOT analysis, it was determined that orders are delayed due to the processes taking place in the assembly workshop. In order for the furniture company X to achieve better results, solve the prevailing problems of the company, increase efficiency, ensure high quality and non-delayed production orders, it is recommended to implement the Lean production system, which by applying various methods and tools ensures the successful development of the company. The Lean production system is a quality management method that has been known for a long time, the work discusses and names why the Lean production system is still relevant and necessary in the twenty-first century, and what social, economic and ecological benefits companies gain by implementing this quality management system. X furniture company is analyzed, where the theoretical model of the Lean production system is implemented, the management structure, working conditions were discussed, and a survey of the assembly shop workers was conducted and presented, which was aimed at clarifying the prevailing problems in the assembly shop. According to the results of the survey, it was determined that the assembly workshop performs the assembly process with extremely low efficiency, due to the fact that the employees themselves assemble and bring the fittings components and parts to the work areas, according to the prevailing problems in the X furniture company, a theoretical model of the "Lean" production system was created, which would ensure the prevailing problem solving and better results. According to the created theoretical model of the Lean production system, the implementation process of the Lean production system in the assembly shop of the X furniture company is described. The most necessary methods and tools of the Lean production system are selected to help solve the prevailing problems in the most effective way, recommendations are offered as to how and when each tool should be implemented, boards and proposal forms of basic tool examples are made, the assembly time of the product after Lean is presented according to the analyzed assembly process implementation of the theoretical model of the production system. During the economic analysis, on the basis of economic arguments, it was proved that it is necessary to change the work specifications of the two assembly shop workers, and to create an additional workplace in order to ensure better indicators for the company's economy.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023