Title Cooperation between public and non-governmental organizations in refugee crisis management in Lithuania and Germany /
Translation of Title Viešojo sektoriaus ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų bendradarbiavimas valdant pabėgėlių krizę Lietuvoje ir Vokietijoje.
Authors Masiulytė, Gabrielė
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Pages 61
Keywords [eng] refugee crisis ; crisis management ; non-governmental organizations ; public sector ; sectoral cooperation
Abstract [eng] In the last decade, the European Union has faced a few refugees’ crises and back in 2015 Germany was one of the countries that has implemented welcoming culture and citizens of the country heard the phrase “Wir schafen das!” The situation in mid-2015 was getting out of control and the federal governments and local municipalities tried to include other sectors in assisting with the crisis. Lithuania in the meanwhile only welcomed the agreed number of individuals and had to learn how to cope with such crisis and create a crisis management mechanism. This thesis will analyse the tools and actions of public sector and non-governmental organisation sectoral cooperation during refugee crisis in Lithuania and Germany. The continuous policy making, and practices has shown, that cooperation between public sector and non-governmental organizations during refugee crisis management brings effective and more efficient solutions. The paper is divided in three main parts and the first one is the theoretical background of non-governmental organization and public sector cooperation in crisis management, the second one focuses on policies of refugee crisis management in the European Union and the last part is the comparative content analysis of cooperation between public sector and non-governmental organizations in refugee crisis management.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2023