Title Kokybės valdymo metodų bei įrankių įtakos COPQ rodikliui tyrimas /
Translation of Title Investigation of the influence of quality management methods and tools on the COPQ indicator.
Authors Urbonas, Nerijus
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Pages 58
Keywords [eng] COPQ analysis ; 8D method ; cabinet furniture ; drilling ; process automation
Abstract [eng] A study for the influence of the quality management methods and tools on the COPQ indicator of a furniture manufacturing company was carried out in this final project. In it, the quality management methods and tools used during certain periods of time were investigated, which were proven to lead to a positive change in the COPQ indicator. This variation proves the relevance of the research being conducted, since quality cannot be controlled without proper information.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023