Title Desinformando, que es gerundio. Trabajando con fake news en la clase de ELE /
Translation of Title Misinforming is a gerund. Working with fake news in the SFL classroom.
Authors Enguix, Ricardo
DOI 10.7203/foroele.18.25090
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Is Part of Foro de profesores de E/LE.. Valencia : Universitat de València. 2022, No. 18, p. 7-13.. ISSN 1886-337X
Keywords [eng] fake news ; written expression ; indirect feedback ; self-correction
Abstract [eng] The aim of this didactic proposal consists in developing the four skills using fake news, paying special attention to the written expression and comprehension, and developing information literacy among students. As for the development of the writing skills, it will be focused on writing fake news, by means of individual and collaborative composition, using online word processors and indirect corrective feedback.
Published Valencia : Universitat de València
Type Journal article
Language Spanish
Publication date 2022
CC license CC license description