Title Non-invasive estimation of acetates using off-gas information for fed-batch E. coli bioprocess /
Authors Matukaitis, Mindaugas ; Masaitis, Deividas ; Urniežius, Renaldas ; Zlatkus, Lukas ; Vaitkus, Vygandas
DOI 10.3390/ECP2022-12668
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Is Part of Engineering proceedings.. Basel : MDPI. 2022, vol. 19, iss. 1, art. no. 5, p. 1-15.. ISSN 2673-4591
Keywords [eng] acetates ; decision tree ; E. coli ; non-invasive ; off-gas ; oxygen uptake rate
Abstract [eng] Pharmaceutical industries widely use Escherichia coli cell strain to synthesize various target products. The main goal is to reach the highest possible product yield. However, the formation of by-products is inevitable throughout the cell growth stage. Metabolic compounds such as acetates cause inhibition, particularly in later bioprocess stages. Therefore, the acetate accumulation model is necessary for planning bioprocesses to maximize cell biomass growth. The decision tree method was in possession to replicate the approach. Specific biomass growth at induction, broth weight, oxygen uptake rate, and consumed substrate weight were the inputs of model training. Broth and consumed substrate weight had additional aging-related information incorporated as separate inputs to introduce the cumulative regularization.
Published Basel : MDPI
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
CC license CC license description