Title Cardiovascular system interactions with the local earth magnetic field fluctuations: a cohort study /
Authors Žiubrytė, Greta ; Jaruševičius, Gediminas ; Landauskas, Mantas ; Ragulskis, Minvydas ; McCraty, Rollin ; Vainoras, Alfonsas
DOI 10.37532/1755-5310.2022.14(S12).305
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Is Part of Interventional cardiology.. London : Future medicine. 2022, vol. 14, spec. iss. 12, p. 305-310.. ISSN 1755-5302. eISSN 1755-5310
Keywords [eng] cardiovascular system ; ischemic heart disease ; acute coronary syndrome ; acute atrial fibrillation ; arterial hypertension ; local earth’s magnetic field
Abstract [eng] Introduction: Geomagnetic storms strongly affect the human cardiovascular system, misbalancing adaptive mechanisms and causing severe adaptive stress responses at all levels of body regulation. Most physiological changes occur after a defined period following geomagnetic climate alterations, this ‘delay period’ lasts for 2-3 days. Methods and findings: In total, 4730 patients admitted between 2015 and 2017 due to Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) and acute onset of arrhythmias has been included into the study. Higher Time Varying Magnetic Field (TVMF) activity in low frequency ranges is associated with lower number of admissions due to ACS, while higher TVMF activity in high frequency ranges is associated with increased risk for ACS occurrence. The greater TVMF activity in low frequency ranges is associated with higher rates of admission due to cardiac arrhythmias. Additional ACS analysis showed that red blood cell count decreases with increased MF strength in low frequency ranges, while white blood cells and platelets count increases in the same MF frequency ranges. The highest serum osteocalcin level was found 3 days after certain MF strength changes in low frequency ranges in patients with ACS. Strong correlations were found between more than 2 cases of AMI per day and MF strength changes 2- and 3- days before admission. Conclusion: Earth’s local magnetic field is strongly related to human cardiovascular system metabolism and neural regulation. Increased Magnetic field activity in low frequency ranges is associated with heart metabolism and may induce better cardiovascular health, while increased magnetic field activity in high frequency ranges leads to heart problems especially occurrence of ischemic heart disease and arterial hypertension.
Published London : Future medicine
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
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