Title Architectural features of cities and towns during the period of Lithuania’s reconstruction in 1918–1925 /
Authors Tranavičiūtė, Brigita ; Petrulis, Vaidas ; Laurinaitis, Paulius Tautvydas ; Pakštalis, Arvydas
DOI 10.2478/aup-2022-0010
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Is Part of Architecture and urban planning = Arhitektūra un pilsetplānošana.. Warsaw : Sciendo. 2022, vol. 18, iss. 1, p. 100-110.. ISSN 1691-4333. eISSN 2255-8764
Keywords [eng] architecture ; cities, planning ; reconstruction ; towns
Abstract [eng] The purpose of this research is to disclose the architectural features of cities and towns during the period of Lithuania’s reconstruction in 1918–1925. Therefore, the features are analysed according to three criteria – the functional needs of a newly founded state, its technical capacities and stylistic preferences – by granting an acceptable stylistic shape to buildings. The results of this will help to identify the state’s functional needs in consideration of losses caused by WWI to a country that could not be reconstructed in full from the then state budget; thus, from the very beginning the focus was on reconstruction of public buildings and residential houses, out of necessity.
Published Warsaw : Sciendo
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
CC license CC license description