Title Evaluation of pjezoelectric bending actuator-based ultrasonic action to human blood circulatory system Functional Status /
Authors Veikutis, Vincentas ; Bubulis, Algimantas ; Jurenas, Vytautas ; Vezys, Joris ; Skaudickas, Augustas ; Janavicius, Rokas
DOI 10.15388/DAMSS.13.2022
ISBN 9786090707944
eISBN 9786090707951
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Is Part of DAMSS 2022: 13th conference on data analysis methods for software systems, Druskininkai, Lithuania, December 1–3, 2022 / Lithuanian computer society, Vilnius university Institute of data science and digital technologies, Lithuanian academy of sciences.. Vilnius : Vilnius university press, 2022. p. 98-99.. ISBN 9786090707944. eISBN 9786090707951
Abstract [eng] It is known that ultrasound-based (Usb) therapy can activate both central and peripheral blood flow, thus improving tissue macro/macro perfusion, especially in cases of pathology. Piezoelectric transducers can also be used for that purpose, the high-frequency oscillations of which create stimulate blood flow in tissues, improve metabolism, activate lymph circulation, stimulate microcirculation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, increase the proliferation of leukocytes and other immunocompetent cells, increase the mobility and number of erythrocytes in the blood. It is also known that neurosensory structures are the most sensitive to ultrasound, and all blood vessels, without exception, have integrated nerve fibres in their wall, through which both contraction and relaxation of the blood vessel can be successfully regulated and modulated. We developed an ultrasonic blood flow stimulation device which enables a relatively localized increase in micro/macro blood flow efficiency by creating a resonant vibration generation system combining a piezoelectric buzzer transducer, an ultrasonic generator, and a controller. We evaluated general blood tests and specialized thromboelastometry tests using 30W, 60W and buzzer-type Usb action. Computer modelling was performed using the Comsol Multiphysics software package. No structural changes on general blood tests were founded by using 30W and the buzzer Usb application. Using of 60W Usb we found a decrease on RBC, HGB, HCT and an increase on MCHC, RDW, PLT expression. No significant changes were founded on EXTEM, INTEM, but increased CT and CT(A5) on FIBTEM by using 30-60W Usb. Also, we observed a gradually increasing of CFT and ML expression with no changes in EST, which could be clinically important. Looking at specific platelet functional status, we found increased APTT, FbC, SPA/INR and D-dimer expression. In conclusion: disorders of hemostasis mainly manifest as bleeding or thrombosis. Using extracorporeal Usb in therapeutic parameters can successfully adjust disorders of the blood plasma coagulation system that occur due to insufficient activity of coagulation factors or their deficiency, identify other hemostasis disorders and evaluate the success of treatment.
Published Vilnius : Vilnius university press, 2022
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2022
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