Title Darbuotojų kaitos mažinimo priemonės transporto įmonėse /
Translation of Title Employee turnover reducing tools in the transport companies.
Authors Lydekienė, Alina
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Pages 65
Keywords [eng] staff turnover ; job satisfaction ; loyalty
Abstract [eng] Employee turnover is an employee’s choice to leave a company. To keep employees and protect them from being attracted by competitors, companies must seek to know the personnel, to understand their needs and problems, guarantee satisfaction to an existing staff. The aspect of job change has been examined for decades in worldwide practice, because loyalty of employees, especially of skilled specialists, is one of the main factors to run a successful business (Pilkauskaitė – Valickienė, Valickas ir Sinkievič, 2007). Changes in labour market, when more and more workers emigrate from one company to another, make company runners to look for solutions how to optimize a human resources management. A new employee in an organization is related to skills, experiences, innovations, but affects productivity and it needs additional costs. Company runners understand that demand of experienced workers is high. However, the runners do not take necessary actions to keep an existing staff. There are fields that cannot be controlled by a company runner, but if an employee turnover is affected by reasons that had to be controlled by a company runner, the reasons have to be detected and taken into consideration. To keep an employee is a difficult task which is related to an organization activity and a specific context of a situation.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2015