Title Darbuotojų veiklos vertinimo sistemos vystymas atsižvelgiant į darbuotojų gerovę /
Translation of Title Development of employee performance evaluation system considering the employees' welfare.
Authors Nedzveckaitė, Alva
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Pages 77
Keywords [eng] employee performance evaluation ; subjective welfare ; development
Abstract [eng] Relevance of the topic. Human resources is one of the most important resources at the disposal of both private and public sector, and human resource management is one of the most important factors that affects the efficiency of modern organization management. In the scientific literature a number of authors analyse the relation between employee performance evaluation and employee welfare. One of the reasons why research works value employee welfare or satisfaction with the work in the organization is a postulated relationship between employee welfare and work performance. The object of the research. Employee performance evaluation system considering employee welfare. The aim of the research. To identify the development trends of employee performance evaluation system considering employee welfare. The tasks of the research: 1. To reveal the relevance and importance of employee performance evaluation system and employee welfare on the basis of Lithuanian and foreign scientific research results; 2. To analyse theoretical solutions of employee evaluation system considering employee welfare; 3. To substantiate the research methodology of employee performance evaluation system development considering employee welfare; 4. On the basis of the methodology to identify the problem areas and development trends of employee performance evaluation system at public institution „X“ college. The results of the performed research show that evaluation according to the performance standards is an effectice tool to encourage employees‘ motivation and increase their job satisfaction. Employees agree that such a scheme is beneficiary for the employee, the manager and the organization. The application of performance standards that are expressed as ethics standards in the performance evaluation system is justified accorcing to the motivation approach and can complement the performance standards based on work results. The evaluated employees know the manager‘s opinion about their weaknesses, strengths and abilities, so they can develop, improve qualification and participate in training. Performance evaluation ensures that both employees and managers can provide time to evaluate previous achievements, to discuss future activities and to set general aims. Summarizing the analysis of scientific literature it is possible to state that the evaluation of employee performance according to the performance standards is an effectice tool for employee performance improvement and job satisfaction. Therefore the development of employee performance evaluation system is an important process considering both organization activity improvement perspective and employee welfare indicator level at the organization. The application of employee performance evaluation system which is also oriented towards the improvement of employee welfare, provides benefit for employee, manager and organization. A purposeful evaluation of employee performance allows to identify employee‘s strenghts and weaknesses, the need for training, employee‘s expectations, attitude towards the work environment, organization culture and other aspects important for both employee and organization. The analysis of scientific literature allows to state that the role of a subject who performs the employee performance evaluation is very imprtant. During the employee performance evaluation the aspects related to work efficiency should be discussed as well as the employee‘s loyalty to organization, relationship with colleagues, complexity of work tasks, customers opinion, and various personal characteristics, such as communication skills, moral values, ability to solve problems and responsibility. When individual employee‘s expectations are analysed then it is possible to draw consclusions and take purposeful, efficient means in order to increase the employee welfare level at organization. On the basis of the reasoned methodology and the research performed at the college X, the following five problem areas of employee performance evaluation system were identified: employee performance evaluation system is not regulated therefore the criteria set for employees are not clear; employee performance tasks are not identified at the beginning of the evaluation period; employee‘s strengths and weaknesses are not discussed in detail; employee‘s qualification development and training plans are not made; little attention is paid to the analysis of factors that influence employee welfare and to the use of information in order to increase employees satisfaction with their work, work efficiency and quality indicators. Taking into account the problem areas it is advisable to implement an adapted employee performance evaluation system model at public institution „X“ college, which would help to combine all four employee performance evaluation system dimensions. Volume of work: 62 pages, 12 tables, 20 pictures.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2015