Title Electrical properties and protonic conductivity in yttrium-doped barium cerate-zirconate strained thin films /
Authors Winiarz, Piotr ; Jaworski, Daniel ; Sawczak, Mirosław ; Campos Covarrubias, Monica Susana ; Sriubas, Mantas ; Bockute, Kristina ; Rutkuniene, Zivile ; Laukaitis, Giedrius ; Gazda, Maria
ISBN 9789616104500
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Is Part of 14th international symposium on systems with fast ionic transport (ISSFIT14), 7–9 July 2021, online: book of abstracts / edited by: U. Petek, M. Gaberšček.. Ljubljana : National institute of chemistry, 2021. p. 61.. ISBN 9789616104500
Keywords [eng] electrical properties ; yttrium-doped barium cerate-zirconate ; thin films
Abstract [eng] Selected electrical properties of strained yttrium doped barium cerate-zirconate thin films were investigated and presented. Tensile or compressive strain in the films was induced through the difference in thermal expansion coefficients (TECs) of the support and the material. The obtained results were compared with their bulk counterparts. Thin films of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2O3-δ (BCZY) were deposited using a self-made PLD chamber described elsewhere [1] with 266nm Nd:YAG laser. The temperature and time of deposition were respectively 610°C, and 60 mins, under argon atmosphere with pressure 0.5 mbar. The pellets of sputtered materials were obtained via the co-precipitation route from nitrates. Resultant solutions were dried, mixed and calcined at 1450°C for 4h with 2°C/min heating and cooling rate. The materials used as substrates were: metal alloys (Invar, Inconel, Glass sealing alloy and Stainless steel – Goodfellow), single crystal oxides (Al2O3, MgO and YSZ – CrysTec GmbH), and monocrystalline p-type silicon (100). The thickness of films was estimated using the DektakXT profilometer and was around 600nm. The phase composition was checked using Phillips X’Pert Pro diffractometer, 𝜆 = 1,54Å. The electrical experiments were performed using ProboStat (Norecs AS) and Novocontrol Alpha-A frequency analyzer. The measurements were carried out in dry and humidified N2 atmosphere in the temperature range 200°C – 800°C with 20°C step, and frequency range of 0.01Hz – 1MHz. All of the prepared samples (thin films and bulk BCZY) were single-phase. In the bulk samples, the total conductivity was higher in humidified nitrogen than in dry nitrogen. Moreover, the activation energies were lower in wet N2 when compared with dry N2. In previously investigated metal-supported thin films, the possible decrease of activation energy may result from the compressive strain, what was described in our work [2]. The compressive strain induced through the influence of oxygen–oxygen distances, causes an increase in proton diffusivity and a decrease the activation energy.
Published Ljubljana : National institute of chemistry, 2021
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2021