Title Enabling collaborative dynamic capabilities in strategic communities: firm- vs. network-centric perspectives /
Authors Jucevičius, Giedrius ; Jucevičienė, Rita
DOI 10.1017/jmo.2022.37
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Is Part of Journal of management and organization.. Cambridge : Cambridge university press. 2022, vol. 28, iss. 3, p. 587-604.. ISSN 1833-3672. eISSN 1839-3527
Keywords [eng] collaborative dynamic capabilities ; dynamic capabilities ; industrial clusters ; strategic communities ; trust
Abstract [eng] This conceptual paper focuses on the importance of extending the collaborative dynamic capabilities (C-DCs) view and its emphasis on the boundary spanning strategic communities (SCs) from firm-centric to the network-centric perspective. The C-DC view is an original theoretical perspective that offers a good explanation of corporate-level transformations in the context of cross-sectoral convergence. Although the focus of prevailing research on large firms as cornerstones of SCs is valid, it does not fully capture the more complex dynamics that take in the horizontal networks of firms. We show that C-DC and SC theoretical perspectives can be adapted to the context of regional industrial clusters and contribute to their strategic renewal. The paper conceptualizes the different challenges and nature of leadership that prevail in SC-based firms networks. It also presents the different enabling aspects of collaborative DCs (with regard to trust building, co-specialization and capability synthesis) in firm- vs. network-centric environments.
Published Cambridge : Cambridge university press
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
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