Title Hidroksietilceliuliozės-polietileno oksido plėvelių sudėties modeliavimas, optimizavimas, fizikinių, mechaninių savybių ir biofarmacinis vertinimas /
Translation of Title Modeling, optimization of the composition of hydroxyethyl cellulose-polyethylene oxide films, physical, mechanical properties, and bio.
Authors Žaleniakaitė, Guoda
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Pages 55
Keywords [eng] polymer films ; hydroxyethylcellulose polyethylene oxide ; lidocaine hydrochloride
Abstract [eng] The aim of the major thesis: To model and optimize the composition of hydroxyethylcellulosepolyethylene oxide film and to evaluate their physical, mechanical and biopharmaceutical properties. The object of research of the final master's project: Hydroxyethylcellulose-polyethylene oxide films. Relevance of the master thesis: To reduce the pain caused by periodontal diseases and oral mucosal diseases (ulcers) by providing accurate and direct dosing of local anesthetics (lidocaine hydrochloride) using polymer films as an alternative. Results: During the experimental planning, 9 film compositions were generated (total hydroxyethylcellulose-polyethylene oxide content 0,4 g in the ratio 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1, PEG 400 content in the ratio 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3) and physical and mechanical properties were evaluated: pH 6,80–7,04; dissolution time 22,3–29,8 min; moisture content 7,7–15,9 %; stickiness 0,248–0,477 N; strength 9,1–29,4 N and elasticity 9,2–14,7 mm. The weight, thickness, moisture content, tack, strength and elasticity of the films depended on the amount of plasticizer PEG 400. Lidocaine hydrochloride was incorporated into the composition of the selected optimal film (hydroxyethylcellulose-polyethylene oxide total content 0,4 g 4:1, PEG 400 content 1,2 g). Its incorporation reduced the moisture content (from 8,7 to 7,7 %), stickiness (from 0,477 to 0,273 N), strength (from 9,1 to 6,0 N), but prolonged it significantly (p <0,05). dissolution time (28,9 to 37,8 min). The distribution of lidocaine hydrochloride in the films is considered to be uniform as the calculated relative standard deviation did not exceed 10 %. An in vitro study of hydroxyethylcellulose-polyethylene oxide films with lidocaine hydrochloride showed that the maximum amount of lidocaine hydrochloride was released after 15 minutes. – 21,0–32,1 %. After 120 min. was released 72,2–74,9 %. Conclusions: The selected quality parameters and their quantities allowed to model and select suitable films of hydroxyethylcellulose-polyethylene oxide composition and optimization criteria were selected during experimental planning, which allowed the targeted selection of the film of optimal composition. The incorporation of lidocaine hydrochloride into films alters their physical and mechanical properties, however, they remain within the parameters required and are suitable for the release of the active substance and in order to produce adhesive, strong and elastic films, it is appropriate to increase the amount of PEG 400 and change the polyethylene oxide from 200 kDa to 600 kDa.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022