Title Abiotinių veiksnių įtaka fitocheminių junginių kiekybiniam kaupimuisi ir bioaktyvumui kryžmažiedžių (lot. Cruciferae) augalų kaliaus kultūrose in vitro /
Translation of Title Influence of abiotic factors on quantitative accumulation and bioactivity of phytochemical compounds in cruciferous (Cruciferae) plant callus cultures in vitro.
Authors Stonytė, Karolina
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Pages 86
Keywords [eng] phytochemical ; cruciferous plants ; elicitors ; methyl jasmonate ; salicylic acid
Abstract [eng] The family of Cruciferous plants includes many economically and agronomically important plant species. Cruciferous plants used in the production of oils as edible vegetables and condiments. Due to the variety of the synthesized bioactive compounds and antioxidant, antibacterial properties they are widely used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and food industries. Special secondary metabolites synthesized by this plant family are glucosinolates, which have antimicrobial, antifungicidal, antibacterial and thyroid properties. To increase the synthesis of bioactive compounds, in vitro elicitation procedure was applied in callus cultures of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica), oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) and cress (Lepidium sativum L.). The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of selected elicitors (methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid) on the antioxidant and phytochemical activity of Cruciferous plants in vitro and callus culture. During the study, callus cultures of these plants cultured in MS medium supplemented with (2 mg/l) BAP, (0.2 mg/l) 2,4-D growth regulators also with 25, 50 μmol/l salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate elicitors. Addition of 25 μmol/l salicylic acid elicitor to the culture medium was found to have a positive effect on the synthesis of phenolic compounds, proteins (protein concentration increased by 36.6 %) and photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b levels increased 3-fold) in rapeseed callus cultures. Salicylic acid elicitor at a concentration of 50 μmol/l had a positive effect on the synthesis of antioxidant compounds in rapeseed and cress callus cultures in vitro. Methyl jasmonate elicitor at a concentration of 25 μmol/l stimulated the synthesis of antioxidants, phenolic compounds and glucosinolates in rapeseed and cress callus cultures, as well as increased the proline concentration in rapeseed culture extract by 53.8%. At 50 μmol/l, methyl jasmonate elicitor increased the concentration of synthesized chlorophyll a by 30%, chlorophyll b by 39% and doubled the concentration of carotenoids in cress callus cultures. Thus, after evaluating the results of the study, it was found that the effect of the elicitor depends on the selected plant species, the elicitor, and its concentration. In summary, the salicylic acid elicitor is suitable for the promotion of bioactive substances in rapeseed callus cultures and the methyl jasmonate elicitor in cress callus cultures. The selected elicitors and their concentrations negatively affected the synthesis of bioactive compounds in broccoli callus cultures in vitro. The study also evaluated the effect of ZnO-NP and methionine elicitors on the antioxidant and phytochemical activity of in vitro broccoli cultures. The strongest reducing properties, the highest antioxidant and SOD activity were observed in broccoli leaf cultures grown in MS medium supplemented with 10 mg ZnO-NP elicitor. The highest concentrations of phenolic compounds, phenolic acids, flavonoids, pigments and glucosinolates were determined also in this extract.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022