Title Papildomosios cementinės medžiagos gamyba iš pramonės atliekų /
Translation of Title Manufacture of supplementary cementitious material from industrial waste.
Authors Kazlauskas, Edvinas
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Pages 73
Keywords [eng] supplementary cementous material ; smectite clay waste ; oil cracking catalyst
Abstract [eng] The purpose of this Master’s Final Degree project is to design plant which will produce 130000 tonnes per year of supplementary cementitious material from industry wastes. Supplementary Cementous material is made from waste of smectite clay which forms during oil bleaching process and used oil– cracking catalyst which was collected from Lithuanian and Polish oil refineries. During research, smectite clay was thermally activated 1 h at 600 °C temperature while oil–cracking catalyst was not treated. The particle size distribution, pozzolanic activity and amorphous phase content of the samples were determined. The samples of cement were formed by mixing different amounts of both wastes and replacing 15 % of Portland cement with prepared additives. There were performed hydraulic activity, microcalorimetric, RSDA, DSK and thermogravimetric analyzes as well as compressive strength with samples which had different concrete time. Studies have shown that the additive from the mixture of catalyst and smectite clay waste accelerates the early hydration of the cement, and Portland cement with the addition of 70% used catalyst and 30% smectite clay waste mixture has the best properties. Up to 20 % of Portland cement can replace with this additive, therefore the additive of this composition was chosen for production design. The production method, technological scheme was described and selected and production volumes and material balance were calculated in the technological part. There was selected / calculated technological equipment. In the Master’s final project there are evaluated construction solutions. The graphic part presents the principal technological scheme, the plan of the production facility, the layout of the equipment, the cross-section of the production facility and the plan of the territory. There are performed economic and financial calculations, environmental assessment, safety and health of workers.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022