Title Biriųjų azoto fosforo trąšų su boru gamybos technologija /
Translation of Title Technology of production of bulk nitrogen phosphorus fertilizers with boron.
Authors Meižys, Edvinas
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Pages 108
Keywords [eng] ammonium dihydrogen phosphate ; granulation ; phosphoric acid ; micronutrient
Abstract [eng] The final Master‘s thesis theme – ,,Technology of Production of Bulk Nitrogen Phosphorus Fertilizers with Boron“. The choice of a widely used nitrogen phosphorus fertilizer, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, and the study of the production technology, led to the development of improved fertilizers containing the selected trace element. As the area of arable land does not increase, but the number of people in the world who need to be fed is growing rapidly, it is necessary to grow as much as possible, but providing the plant with only the basic nutrients will not get a rich harvest, therefore it is important to provide the plant with microelements and their introduction into the composition of the main fertilizer. Therefore, in order to insert the microelement, it was chosen to do so during the granulation of the crystalline fertilizer. If successful, this would allow the crystalline fertilizer to change its external shape, give new properties and introduce a trace element into its composition. The interaction of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate with borax was investigated - the substance was selected as a source of trace element and whether the mixture is suitable for granulation. Under laboratory conditions, the crystalline fertilizer was granulated in a drum dryer-granulator and the main chemical and physical properties of the obtained product were investigated. X-ray diffraction analysis was performed to qualitatively identify the raw materials and the chemical composition of the resulting product. Simultaneous thermal analysis was performed to evaluate the thermal stability of the raw materials and the product. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was performed to identify the functional groups and chemical bonds present in the raw material and product, to assess whether a chemical reaction takes place in the granulation-drying process and no new chemical bonds are formed. To evaluate the physical properties of granular fertilizers, the pH, moisture content, bulk density and granule strength of the 10 % solution were measured. The granulometric composition of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate with a trace element was found to be dependent on the amount of dry starch used during granulation. Crystalline fertilizers are most efficiently granulated when the raw material to be granulated consists of crystalline fertilizer, microelement, dry starch, 3 % starch solution and water sprayed directly into the granulator. The final design work presents a scheme of the technology for the production of granular ammonium dihydrogen phosphate with a trace element, in which the main unit is a drum granulator-dryer, the main parameters of which are calculated. Material and heat balances were calculated to obtain a ton of product. Information on occupational safety and health, a plan of the building with an evacuation plan, a plan of the site on the site, building drawings, engineering solutions, an estimate of the financial flows required to produce the new product and an environmental assessment are also provided.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022