Title Išskirtinių taškų radimo algoritmų įtakos 3D rekonstrukcijos kokybei tyrimas /
Translation of Title Influence of feature points extraction algorithms for quality of 3D econstruction.
Authors Ragina, Martynas
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Pages 50
Keywords [eng] feature points ; 3D reconstruction ; SIFT detector ; structure from motion ; potholes
Abstract [eng] In this work, an analysis of SIFT feature points detector parameters influence for accuracy of 3D reconstruction is performed. The main object of interest is road surface and potholes. The first part is dedicated for analysis of literature, understanding of SIFT algorithm’s working principle, it’s parameters overview. 3D reconstruction methods are discussed here as well. In the second part of this work, the workflow of this work is shown. The third part is dedicated for results and their interpretation. Optimal parameter settings for SIFT algorithm are determined and accuracy of 3D reconstruction using these parameters is shown. For 3D reconstruction of said object, and open-source software COLMAP is used. Generated model is then exported and then analyzed using a program written in MATLAB software.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022