Title Šilumos gamybos šaltinio elektros energijos apsirūpinimo techninė ir ekonominė galimybių studija /
Translation of Title Technical and economic feasibility study of electricity self supply in heat production plant.
Authors Metelionis, Matas
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Pages 78
Keywords [eng] organic Rankine cycle ; Rankine cycle ; biomass ; electric power ; energy
Abstract [eng] The growth of a global demand for electricity and heating energy, environmental problems and the lack of new energy sources are the biggest challenges, that the energy sector is facing nowadays. The use of low-potential thermal energy and renewable energy makes it possible to address these new issues. These types of energy can be used efficiently by organic Rankine cycle (ORC) technology. This technology which is mentioned above, is able to efficiently utilize low-quality heat and convert it into useful electricity that can be used for many purposes. That is the reason why, the ORC technology is a great solution that can ensure the supply of electricity to a heat production facility. The aim of this thesis - is to present a technical and economic feasibility study, of electricity supply boiler water heating. The first part of this thesis analyzes the specifics of biofuels and gas-fired power plants, new electricity generation technologies and the peculiarities of the organic Rankine cycle equipment. The second part of this thesis, delves into the practical application of ORC - the electric power generated by the technology is calculated according to the supplied heat energy. Once the appropriate ORC technology facility has been selected, an economic analysis is carried out to determine the benefits of installing the new technology at the heat production facility. The results that were obtained showed that the payback time of the electricity generation unit depends mostly on the price of electricity sold to the grids and on the purchase price of biofuels.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022