Title Virtualiosios interaktyviosios aplinkos kūrimas ir taikymas pradinių klasių matematikos mokymo(si) procese /
Translation of Title Development and use of a virtual interactive environment for teaching mathematics in primary classes.
Authors Kairiūkštienė, Diana
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Pages 64
Keywords [eng] information technologies ; traditional learning ; distance learning
Abstract [eng] The development of a conscious person who is open to information technologies and able to work independently is very important in general education schools. Knowledge has always occupied an important place in people’s lives. This is particularly relevant at a time when the information society is emerging. It becomes important for a person to learn to live and work in a constantly changing environment. Therefore, it is necessary to develop skills, develop competence, constantly improve. There is a lot of talk about the poor teaching of mathematics in schools, the poor performance of national examinations for pupils and the passing of school or state examinations. Mathematics is one of the major sciences that makes a huge impact in life because it can prepare and develop students ’ability to think logically, socially, and solve problems in everyday life. It is needed in most fields of activity: science, technology, music, architecture, economics, and so on. Learning in primary education is of great importance, so it is necessary to develop a modern, highquality and attractive virtual space for the education of primary school students. Proper use of all tools can improve the quality of education. And this is very relevant in the education system at the moment. Given the changing demands of life, education and schools face the challenge of reorienting their priorities and adapting to the situation and thinking that distance learning is the future of education and will be used much more widely than has been the case to date. The methods of analysis of scientific literature, analysis of research and its data, design, preparation of recommendations were used in writing the work.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022