Title Nuotolinio anglų kalbos mokymo metodika ir jos taikymas /
Translation of Title Methodology of distance English language teaching and its application.
Authors Lisinskienė, Ingrida
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Pages 81
Keywords [eng] distance learning ; IT at school ; English language methods ; synchronous and asynchronous communication
Abstract [eng] The theoretical part of this work deals with the scientific substantiation of English language teaching methods, the aims and principles of subject didactics. The content of English language learning, traditional and non-traditional teaching methods, application of active methods in secondary and basic education, students' knowledge, principles of self-reflection, development and application of virtual tests are also analyzed in detail. The aim of this work is to facilitate and increase the efficiency of English teachers by showing how to apply a systematic methodology of distance English teaching. The second chapter discusses virtual distance learning tools. A study of the need to use a systematic remote English language methodology was conducted with the participation of 70 English language teachers. The study showed that most teachers have not worked with Google classroom and Meet programs, and that teachers lack the knowledge and skills how to apply the English language methods suitable for synchronous and asynchronous communication. By comparing Edmodo, Google classroom and SeeSaw virtual learning environments, the Google classroom environment for conducting distance English lessons and hosting material was chosen as the most convenient and most functional. After designing the Google classroom environment, the systematic distance learning language methodology was implemented at the KTU Engineering Lyceum. In order to facilitate the work of teachers and students and streamline the teaching / learning process, an application model for distance learning methodology will be described, consisting of a virtual selection of virtual tools for synchronous and asynchronous lessons, a description of distance learning / learning methodology and a website for teachers where teachers can find advice on how to use one or another method of distance learning or what tasks to choose to make the learning process effective, funny, engaging and how to eliminate the workload of the teacher in a more acceptable way. The third chapter describes in details the systematic methodology of distance English language teaching, the application of individual methods. For the external publication of the remote English methodology, the Google sites web development tool has been chosen for its convenience, simplicity and security, it is possible to integrate with the working environment of Google classroom. The fourth chapter describes in details the evaluation of the effectiveness of the application of a structured distance learning English teaching methodology. First, a quantitative questionnaire of 80 students was conducted, and students evaluated the effectiveness of synchronous and asynchronous English language methods for their learning progress, and the influence of the annual / semester mark. 7 Almost all students say that their lessons were interesting, engaging, interactive and useful when working according to a systematic distance learning methodology. Pupils' knowledge of English has improved and their half-year grades have increased. Subsequently, a study of teachers’ attitudes towards distance English teaching methodology and the usefulness of the site was conducted. Most teachers find the methodology and website innovative, useful, interesting, and will use the suggested methods in their remote English lessons. From the results of the above study, conclusions and recommendations for the improvement of the methodology and the website were made.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022