Title Dalijimosi mokymosi turiniu ir priemonėmis nuotolinio mokymosi paramos sistema /
Translation of Title Distance learning support system for sharing learning content and tools.
Authors Šablinskienė, Algita
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Pages 106
Keywords [eng] support system ; virtual learning environment ; distance learning ; sharing system
Abstract [eng] In preparation for lessons, teachers have to find and systematize a lot of information, which takes a long time. The systematization of information and the efficiency of dissemination could be improved by using a support system. The paper describes the It is Smart Technology website and its components. A support system could be used to address the problem, facilitating teachers' work and sharing teaching content and tools with students and colleagues. To improve the efficiency of information systematization and dissemination for teachers by applying a support system in Kaunas University of Technology Engineering Lyceum that facilitates teachers' work. The aim of the work is to analyze the possibilities of application of information technologies, to increase the efficiency of information systematization and sharing in distance learning. The It is Smart Technology website provides structured information for teachers and students on learning content, learning gadgets and websites. Revealing the relevance of information sharing and the integration of virtual environments into a single system. The aim of this support system is to create a functional, constantly renewing, collaborative environment. After reviewing the need for support in Lithuania and the Kaunas University of Technology Engineering Lyceum, a support system was created where teachers and students can find various information, useful links by visiting each subject, both teachers and students can find useful material to store and share. The distance learning support system for sharing learning content and tools was tested in the engineering lyceum unit of Kaunas University of Technology, located at Vaidoto str. 11, Kaunas. Prior to the experiment, teachers were trained to work with the tools used in the support system. The training presents the most appropriate interactive tools to involve students in the educational process. The need for systematization stems from the fact that learning is an ongoing lifelong process and that learners need tools to support and manage it. This environment allows users to organize their work process.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022