Title VDU Botanikos sodo edukacijos ir tyrimų centras /
Translation of Title Education and research center of Vytautas Magnus university Botanical garden.
Authors Pekūnaitė, Gabija
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Pages 112
Keywords [eng] education ; botanical garden ; harmony of old and new
Abstract [eng] The object of the master's thesis is Education and Research Center of Vytautas Magnus University Botanical Garden. The theme can be understood through its three main sub-themes - education, botanical garden and the harmony of the old and the new. Education, understood as education or upbringing, is the transmission tool of our culture to the younger generation. Improperly passed community values can promote exclusion in society. The main goal of this project is to understand the problems of the education system, its possible solutions and the integration of solutions in the Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University, through the harmony of the old and the new. The main problems of the education system have been discovered during the theoretical research - the educational environment is inflexible, does not encourage curiosity, does not adapt to individual abilities, it is negatively monotonous. Such an environment promotes psychological segregation between the various social strata, creating the impression of a cold, formal environment that is foreign to the lower economy class. This creative thinking is presented as a solution to problems. There are three main principles for promoting creative thinking: ecological - creative education: permission for individual self-study by presenting a problem and its solution tools; flexible environment: the environment can change according to the needs of the subject being taught; education through design: a clear visual revelation of the natural process. Theoretical research has shown that the botanical garden, as an educational object in terms of history, is becoming increasingly important in the eyes of society, and has great potential to become part of the infrastructure of the education system, which could educate society about biodiversity and nature conservation. The results of theoretical research show that the harmony of the old and the new helps to form the identities of cities, testifies to their history - connects the local community with its past and even future. Improper interpretation of the new and integration into the old can irreversibly destroy the authentic features of the old. A properly executed architectural expression of old and new harmony can be interpreted as a harmonious architecture. Empirical research has shown that the public interprets VMU Kaunas Botanical Garden as a recreational object, as visitors notice that botany is lacking for their attendance to be successful. The objects representing the face of the Vytautas Magnus University Botanical Garden are the conservatory, the rose garden, and the manor house. Empirical research has revealed that the structure of a traditional (this) educational institution is a rather conservative space that creates a formal impression. Such an environment is more suitable for more mature young people. And alternative educational institutions have a relatively open spatial structure, with interior solutions that make them more comfortable. This type of environment is more suitable for younger children. Traditional schools of the future are expected to experience the effects of an alternative school and change their spatial image. Empirical research has identified the tools of harmonious architectural expression of the old and the new harmony, the methods of transformation, the tools of formulation for the physical expression of the junction and the correct formulation of its methods. The pilot project was based on the problems and guidelines identified in the literature and empirical research, addressing the problems identified in the literature, such as the oppression of creative thinking in the educational environment and potentials such as the inclusion of the botanical garden in educational infrastructure, potentials for psychological effects on the individual; applying the design guidelines established during empirical research - such as the expression of the connection of educational spaces with the emphasis on nature and the junction of the old and the new harmony. During the pilot project, five educational tracks, an education and research center, and an educational greenhouse were designed to strengthen the educational functions of the Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022