Title Autonominių automobilių įtakos eismo srautui sankryžose tyrimas /
Translation of Title Investigation of the influence of autonomous cars on traffic flow at intersections.
Authors Alavočius, Audrius
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Pages 89
Keywords [eng] autonomous ; vehicles ; microscopic ; simulations
Abstract [eng] Traffic congestion at intersections, and especially at regulated intersections, is steadily increasing in most modern cities, and so is the risk of human driving errors. Modern ideas for solving this problem are based on efficient ways of controlling traffic light signals. These kind of intersections help to make roads safer and controlled In this work, the main evaluation tool is PTV Vissim software, which was used to achieve the goal of the study - to determine the impact of autonomous cars on traffic flow by assessing the efficiency of intersections.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022