Title Interaktyviųjų mokymosi priemonių taikymas specialiajame pradiniame ugdyme /
Translation of Title Application of interactive teaching tools in special primary education.
Authors Gibler, Veronika
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Pages 67
Keywords [eng] interactive teaching tools ; special primary education ; students with special educational needs
Abstract [eng] Application of interactive teaching tools in special primary education is being analyzed in the final master’s project. This topic is very relevant, as the number of students with special educational needs in primary education is growing in Lithuania. The pandemic also brings its corrections, when lessons have to be conducted in remote way, that is why interactive apps are becoming very valuable in the educational process, it increases students’ motivation to study and their confidence. Another significant aspect is whether these apps are being used effectively in primary education. When conducting the research, it was found out, that teachers in their work are tended to use such tools, which are designed to check knowledge, but not for learning and cognition. In this way a problem arose, that in education of students with special educational needs interactive teaching tools are being used ineffectively. Based on the problem a work objective has been created – to ease the application of these tools in special primary education by creating methodology and designing a system which allows to use it, as well by researching its effectiveness. Special and inclusive education has been analyzed in the final master’s project. A lot of attention was paid to the analysis of interactive learning tools and their application to students with special educational needs. After conducting the research, application of these apps in one of the Lithuania’s gymnasium has been analyzed. Based on the data obtained and conducted interview with teachers methodologists, a methodology of interactive learning tools application in special primary education has been created also, a system has been designed, which allowed to implement this methodology. After system suitability examination, teachers evaluated it as very valuable and convenient, also had some offers on how it can be improved. Thus, a methodology and a system has been created in this work, which eases teachers work with students with special educational needs and provides them more opportunities to diversify lessons and improve its quality.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022