Title Variability of artificial intelligence related terms used in translation from english into Ukrainian /
Translation of Title Dirbtinio intelekto terminijos variantiškumas verčiant iš anglų į ukrainiečių kalbą.
Authors Ponomarevskyi, Artemii
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Pages 60
Keywords [eng] concept system ; translation-oriented terminology ; terminological variation ; context ; artificial intelligence
Abstract [eng] This research is aimed at analyzing the influence of context on terminological variations in translation examples from English into Ukrainian based on the main features of translation-oriented terminology work and artificial intelligence-related concept models. This goal is achieved by completing several tasks, such as: a literature analysis of translation-oriented terminology related publications for identifying the aspects of work with terminological units and their variations for translators; defining the motivations for terminological variation as well as the contextual features causing this process; analyzing the artificial intelligence-related concepts and relationships among them in the English and Ukrainian languages; explaining the relevance of using terminological variations from the field of artificial intelligence in a particular context on the example of translation from English into Ukrainian.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022