Title Interdisciplinary problem-based learning of students /
Translation of Title Studentų tarpdalykinis probleminis mokymasis.
Authors Misiūnaitė-Bačiauskienė, Eglė
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Pages 50
Keywords [eng] problem-based learning ; interdisciplinary problem-based learning ; interdisciplinary understanding (knowledge)
Abstract [eng] The study aims to answer the following question: what process of students' problem-based learning allows achieving interdisciplinary understanding. Interdisciplinary problem-based learning is conceptualised as a nonlinear, iterative, spiral and cumulative process, where students acquire a more comprehensive interdisciplinary understanding of a complex problem by applying certain step-by-step tactics of solution. Moreover, a structured approach to disciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge is justified, quantitative and qualitative levels of knowledge are distinguished. The multiple case study reveals the structure of the interdisciplinary problem-based learning process and the critical moments of knowledge construction. Two main configurations of interdisciplinary problem-based learning emerge, i.e., disciplined and flexible interdisciplinary problem-based learning. In addition, several modalities of disciplined interdisciplinary problem-based learning are identified: commitment-based and dogmatic problem-based learning as well as authentic and simulated commitment-based interdisciplinary problem-based learning. Problem-solving scenarios that are created by students imply interdisciplinary knowledge of different levels: when (i) isolated unsustainable interdisciplinary links, which are hardly explained by students, are mechanically made and when (ii) integrated understanding of a problem is created, which links multidisciplinary approaches. Summarising, disciplined, commitment-based interdisciplinary problem-based learning is the most favourable learning configuration for the construction of interdisciplinary knowledge. Moreover, interdisciplinary understanding at a qualitative level is a result of consistent group and individual cognitive (as well as social and emotional) efforts, in addition to students’ awareness and authenticity (not imitation). Besides, inflexible epistemological beliefs of group members, methodological conflicts, naive interdisciplinary thinking, subgroup empowerment, and imitation of the interdisciplinary problem-based learning process are the most difficult thresholds to be crossed. Conceptual changes that occur in the process of problem-based learning, on the contrary, activate the construction of interdisciplinary knowledge.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2020