Title Overcoming challenges of using video conferencing technology in small and medium-sized enterprises /
Translation of Title Iššūkių, susijusių su vaizdo konferencijų technologijų naudojimu, įveikimas smulkiose ir vidutinėse įmonėse.
Authors Žemaitis, Kasparas
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Pages 87
Keywords [eng] digital education ; videoconferencing ; management challenges ; business solutions
Abstract [eng] In recent years, due to various circumstances in the world, one of the information and communication technologies - video conferencing technology - has become very popular. This technology has changed long-established working methods, made it possible to work remotely from home or have meetings with representatives in another part of the world. Digital education enterprises are no exception. This type of business has grown exponentially due to the consequences of the COVID19 pandemic when students were unable to have tutoring lessons. However, digital education companies have faced some challenges in implementing video conferencing technology. The scientific literature focuses on all information and communication technologies and their adaptation in public sector institutions, but not in companies. Insufficient attention paid by researchers to the challenges and solutions to the process of implementing videoconferencing technology in the company is the main problem examined in this project. The object of this study is to address the challenges facing the enterprise in implementing video conferencing technology in small and medium-sized digital education enterprises.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022