Title Information hiding based on statistical features of self-organizing patterns /
Authors Saunoriene, Loreta ; Jablonskaite, Kamilija ; Ragulskiene, Jurate ; Ragulskis, Minvydas
DOI 10.3390/e24050684
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Is Part of Entropy.. Basel : MDPI. 2022, vol. 24, iss. 5, art. no. 684, p. 51-107.. ISSN 1099-4300
Keywords [eng] image hiding ; predator-prey model ; self-organizing pattern ; Shannon entropy
Abstract [eng] A computational technique for the determination of optimal hiding conditions of a digital image in a self-organizing pattern is presented in this paper. Three statistical features of the developing pattern (the Wada index based on the weighted and truncated Shannon entropy, the mean of the brightness of the pattern, and the p-value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion for the normality testing of the distribution function) are used for that purpose. The transition from the small-scale chaos of the initial conditions to the large-scale chaos of the developed pattern is observed during the evolution of the self-organizing system. Computational experiments are performed with the stripe-type patterns, spot-type patterns, and unstable patterns. It appears that optimal image hiding conditions are secured when the Wada index stabilizes after the initial decline, the mean of the brightness of the pattern remains stable before dropping down significantly below the average, and the p-value indicates that the distribution becomes Gaussian.
Published Basel : MDPI
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
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