Title Veiksniai, lemiantys X ir Y kartų darbuotojų pasitikėjimą organizacija COVID-19 kontekste /
Translation of Title Factors determining the trust of X and Y generation employees in the organization in the context of COVID-19.
Authors Miltinytė, Goda
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Pages 120
Keywords [eng] trust in the organization ; factors determining the trust in the organization ; context of COVID-19
Abstract [eng] Relevance of the work. Trust is defined as the determination of an individual to be vulnerable while expecting the other party's intentions to be positive (Burt, Camerer, Rousseau and Sitkin, 1998). Without mutual trust, it is difficult to imagine effective work of two individuals or a heterogeneous group (Haynes, Keena, Lambert, Leone, May, and Ricciardelli, 2020), so trust is inseparable from the various activities of an organization. A changing business environment, economic crises, global pandemics and other factors are constantly putting major challenges on organizations and makes employees question their trust in the organization they work for, while enhanced trust in the organization can help employees overcome fears during various crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic (Stefaniak, He, Mao, and Morrison, 2020). As a result, employee trust in other employees, managers, and the entire organization which he or she works for is one of the critical factors in an organization’s success, increasing the organization’s competitiveness, employee productivity and creativity, or creating a positive atmosphere within the organization. X and Y generations make up the biggest majority of people currently active in the labor market, meanwhile their values and behavior are different (Howe and Strauss, 1992). Therefore, how trust in the organization is perceived by different generations of employees may also be different. The process of building trust in the organization itself is long-term and it is influenced by various external factors. Those factors as well as the employee's trust in the organization and employee's attitude towards it change over time. Work object. Factors determining the trust of X and Y generation employees in the organization in the context of COVID-19. Work objective. To reveal the factors that determine the trust of X and Y generation employees in the organization in the context of COVID-19. Main results. The main results of the project show that all nine determinants of trust in the organization - learning and development, internal communication, career opportunities, performance evaluation and rewards, participation and empowerment, job design, psychological safety, organizational justice, transformational leadership - have a significant impact on trust in the organization itself. However, when examining individual dimensions of organizational trust and different generations, we see certain differences and a more significant influence of some factors in strengthening different dimensions of organizational trust. In addition, the context of COVID-19 does not have a statistically significant effect on the formation of Generation X trust in the organization but it moderates the relationship between trust determinants and Organizational Trust in Generation Y.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022