Title Antecedents of innovative migrant entrepreneurship /
Translation of Title Inovatyvaus migrantų verslumo antecedentai.
Authors Thang, Dominique
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Pages 82
Keywords [eng] innovative entrepreneurship ; migrant entrepreneurship ; demographic antecedents ; psychological antecedents ; resource-based antecedents
Abstract [eng] Following the past decades of mass migration, a considerable increase in the number of migrant entrepreneurs in the host country, often surpassing the number of native-born entrepreneurs, has been detected. This widely observed occurrence has created substantial benefits for the home and host countries of migrant entrepreneurs, including enhanced economic development and growth, as well as poverty reduction and an increase in welfare. Additionally, migrant entrepreneurs’ contribution to innovative activities and outcomes also caught scholars’ attention. However, this phenomenon did not only attract the interest of scholars but also of policymakers. To further foster this development and enhance the positive effects triggered by the increasing number of migrant entrepreneurs, policymakers introduced various supposedly supporting policies over the years. These policies were often grounded on an insufficient and deficient base of information though, which led to undesired outcomes. So, to take advantage of these benefits, a solid foundation of information on migrant entrepreneurs needs to be substantiated. Such fundamental information on migrant entrepreneurship may include antecedents and factors, that affect migrants’ decision to enter entrepreneurship and engage in innovative activities. Therefore, the project aim is to reveal relevant antecedents that foster migrant entrepreneurs to conduct innovation. In order to achieve the project aim, the following research objectives were set: 1. To reveal the current state of scientific literature on migrant entrepreneurship, antecedents thereof and migrants’ contribution to innovation. 2. To conduct an analysis of fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship for the identification of relevant antecedents of migrant and innovative entrepreneurship on a micro and macro level. 3. To develop a conceptual model for relevant antecedents of innovative migrant entrepreneurship based on literature findings. 4. To substantiate a methodology of relevant antecedents of innovative migrant entrepreneurship identification. 5. To empirically test the proposed model of relevant antecedents of migrant entrepreneurs with innovative start-ups in Germany. The research methodology chosen and applied in this final degree project includes the analysis of scientific literature to detect and substantiate important components of the conceptual model for the identification of relevant antecedents of innovative migrant entrepreneurs. For the validation of the proposed conceptual model, a qualitative study, including a multiple case study analysis was assessed to be most suitable and conducted accordingly. The research context was set according to migrant entrepreneurs of innovative start-ups in Germany. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and additional desk research on secondary data. To validate the proposed conceptual model, a qualitative content analysis was conducted in order to extract all relevant information. The key theoretical findings encompass antecedents of innovative entrepreneurs and antecedents of migrant entrepreneurs. Based on these findings, a conceptual model for antecedents of innovative migrant entrepreneurs was created, which includes different elements on a micro and macro level. The key empirical findings favour the acceptance of the proposed conceptual model and its components with certain limitations. The empirical and literature findings of two demographic antecedents, namely age and the length of stay in the host country remain inconclusive Furthermore, four additional psychological antecedents were identified and added to the conceptual model, namely entrepreneurial drive and iterative mindset as well as self-reflection and empathy.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022