Title Success factors of organizational resilience strategies during the COVID-19 crisis: the case of Lithuanian retail enterprises /
Translation of Title Organizacinio atsparumo strategijų sėkmės veiksniai COVID-19 krizės metu: Lietuvos mažmeninės prekybos įmonių atvejis.
Authors Aharkov, Marko
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Pages 94
Keywords [eng] organizational resilience ; success factor ; COVID-19 ; retail enterprises ; Lithuanian SMEs
Abstract [eng] XX-XXI century is called the era of crises. A global connection has shaped the modern world into a complex interdependent system, marked not only by substantial interdependence among its elements but also by fragility in the face of external or spontaneous shocks. Against this background, every incident may take on massive proportions and have far-reaching consequences. Small and medium- sized enterprises, which are the backbone of the economy, are especially vulnerable to the effects of the crisis. In the context of COVID-19 disruption, the organizational resilience strategies of enterprises are gained of particular importance and relevance. The study of the success factors of organizational resilience of enterprises is of crucial importance for the survival, adaptation, and growth of enterprises in times of a crisis. Many retail businesses in Lithuania have faced unprecedented challenges under the lockdown. Therefore, there is a growing need to analyse the impact of several factors such as leadership, adjustment of strategy, networking, and environmental factors on the organizational resilience of enterprises. The aim of the final degree project is to identify success factors of organizational resilience strategies of enterprises during the COVID-19 crisis. In order to reach the aim following objectives were defined: 1. On the basis of problem analysis, to explore the main challenges that enterprises face during COVID-19 pandemic; 2. To analyse organizational resilience strategies of enterprise for the survival, recovery and sustainable growth during COVID-19 crisis; 3. To develop the research methodology for identification success factors of organizational resilience strategies during the COVID-19 crisis for retail enterprises; 4. To conduct an empirical study of retail industry enterprises in Lithuania to examine the success factors of organizational resilience strategies during the COVID-19 crisis and provide recommendations for developing an organizational resilience strategy for enterprises in retail. Systematic literature reviews and comparative analysis were conducted to define the main frameworks and explore relationships between key factors. A qualitative research methodology was chosen, and a semi-structured interview was conducted. Five Lithuanian retail enterprises were interviewed. Four out of five enterprises belong to small and medium-sized enterprises. One could be described as a micro-enterprise, another as a large enterprise. The research results have revealed a strong connection between leadership factors, team orientation, digitalization of enterprises, government support, and organizational resilience. Successfully overcoming the coronavirus crisis for retail enterprises in Lithuania depended on the ability to refocus on online sales, retain the entire team, start partnerships and use compensation from the state. In addition, several recommendations are provided for Lithuanian retail enterprises to survive, adapt, and grow in times of crisis of COVID- 19. These empirical research findings have important implications for organizational resilience cultivation and building.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022