Title Darbo pobūdžio ir darbuotojų gerovės sąsajos robotizuotose darbo vietose /
Translation of Title Relationships between job design and employee well-being in robotic workplaces.
Authors Kukcinavičiūtė, Karolina
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Pages 80
Keywords [eng] human resources management ; jog design ; employee well-being ; robotics in the workplace
Abstract [eng] In a changing world of technology, things are improving faster and faster. Some of the work that was done manually was changed to mechanisms that made people’s work easier and increased production productivity in companies. The industrial revolution that took over human lives today has shifted to the robotisation of the manufacturing process. The process of production robotization involves not only industry but also services such as: food supply industry, automation of educational services, and so on. (Morikawa, 2017). All these changes have brought changes not only to the companies which robotics in the workplace, but also to the employees who work in those companies. Some workers fear they will soon be replaced by robots and will lose their jobs. Others hope that technology will improve their work conditions. However, one thing is clear: workers will have to come to terms with the idea that decades of work methods are no longer appropriate and that new skills are needed to work with new technologies. Depending on this, the jog design of employees in those companies also changes, their respective work functions are facilitated and their well-being improves (Özcan, 2019). The first and second parts discuss the research problem, define the concepts of robot, job design and employee well-being, clarify the characteristics of job design and the areas covered by employee well-being, and develop a theoretical model. The third part describes the research methodology, and the fourth part provides an analysis of the research results.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022