Title Vizualiojo vartotojų dėmesio, jo stimulų ir požiūrio į reklamą sąsajos tradicinių ir neuromarketingo tyrimų integravimo kontekste /
Translation of Title Relations between visual consumer attention, its stimuli and attitude towards advertising in the context of traditional and neuromarketing research.
Authors Pūkienė, Ieva
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Pages 120
Keywords [eng] visual consumer attention ; visual attention stimuli ; consumer attitude towards advertising ; neuromarketing
Abstract [eng] Intensive communication space of the modern market for goods and services determines the need to find effective ways of advertising as the main channel of information delivery for the object. Scientists are emphasizing that one of the essential features of advertising is the ability to attract and retain or otherwise affect consumer attention. In this context special attention is given to the visual content of advertising – stimuli that reflects it and that may have an impact on consumer attention. However, it is possible to anticipate that ensuring success of the advertisement requires not only understanding the actual meaning of stimuli but also the link between consumer attitude towards advertising, which may impact their subsequent behavior. Such need emerges while realizing that behavior can be influenced by subconscious assessment. This reason reveals that it is beneficial to research fore mentioned variables while combining two study paths – traditional and neuromarketing. Project results. Based on theoretical insights of scientists as well as empirical research results, a theoretical relation model of visual consumer attention, its stimuli and consumer attitude towards advertising was developed. For construct relationship determination, survey, as a traditional marketing research tool was selected, as well as the neuromarketing analysis which used eye-tracking system and survey questionnaire. For empirical research justification, a food advertisement case was selected. Analysis revealed positive impact of instrumental advertisement content attributes and highlevel advertising design on consumer attitude towards advertising. Meanwhile neuromarketing research showed that there is a statistically significant relationship between stimuli reflected in advertisements analyzed in Master‘s thesis project and subjects gaze fixation time and frequency. It was determined that gaze fixation duration was longer while observing clear and simple, ordinary design, manipulative, instrumental advertisement content attribute non-reflecting and symbolical advertisement content attribute reflecting food advertisement cases. Meanwhile longer gaze fixation frequency was found when observing high functional and design complexity, authentic and instrumental advertisement content attribute reflecting and symbolical advertisement content attribute non-reflecting advertisements. However, this research does not allow to unambiguously state that there is a statistically significant relation between these attention variables – gaze fixation duration and frequency as well as subjects view towards food advertisings. Such relation was analyzed and established only in the authentic advertising cases. It shows that with a higher gaze fixation frequency, attitude towards food advertising is more positive.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022