Title Savivaldžių komandų sąsajos su darbuotojų intrapreneriškumu /
Translation of Title Connections between self-managing teams and employee intrapreneurship.
Authors Bytautas, Augustinas Laimonas
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Pages 73
Keywords [eng] self-managing team ; employee intrapreneurship ; Agile ; Scrum
Abstract [eng] This research paper analyses the connections between Agile self-managing teams and employee intrapreneurship. Self-managing Agile teams are extremely prevalent in business, especially in the information technology business. Additionally, self-managing teams are also gaining traction in the public sector. Agile methodologies emphasize flexibility, direct communication with the client and a short planning cycle. Agile promotes creating teams, which have autonomy, take responsibility for themselves and carry out their own supervision. New work principles require new – intrapreneurial – employee behaviors. Intrapreneurship is becoming more and more important for contemporary organizations in turbulent business environments. Intrapreneurship is a process, which allows the employee to discover and take advantage of opportunities to be proactive, take on risks that would allow the organization to create new products, services or processes. These are the prerequisites for creating new business ventures, which help organizations keep their competitive edge. The analysis of previous research papers shows that the connection between self-managing teams and employee intrapreneurship has not been explored, therefore the research problem is formulated: what links self-managing teams and employee intrapreneurship. The aim of the research – reveal the connections between self-managing teams and employee intrapreneurship. To reach this aim, four objectives were formed: 1) analyze the research problems of self-managing teams and employee intrapreneurship; 2) perform a theoretical analysis of self-managing teams and employee intrapreneurship; 3) prepare the methodology to research the connections between self-managing teams and employee intrapreneurship and 4) investigate the connections between self-managing teams and employee intrapreneurship in an IT organization. The.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022