Title Measurement of vibrations of agricultural machines by using moire methods /
Authors Ragulskis, Kazimieras ; Maskeliūnas, Rimas ; Pauliukas, Arvydas ; Paškevičius, Petras ; Bubulis, Algimantas ; Korpach, Anatolii ; Ragulskis, Liutauras Mykolas
DOI 10.15544/ageng.2021.53.9
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Is Part of Agricultural engineering.. Kaunas : Vytautas Magnus University. 2021, vol. 53, p. 47-54.. ISSN 1392-1134. eISSN 2345-0371
Keywords [eng] elastic structure ; hybrid experimental – numerical procedures ; large amplitude vibrations ; time averaged moiré ; reflection moiré
Abstract [eng] This paper is a full article on the basis of the material presented in the two conference thesis. In the process of investigation of dynamics and vibrations of agricultural machines various experimental methods are used. Among them moiré methods can be noted because of their simplicity and easy applicability. Projection moiré is most often used for this purpose. It is used to visually estimate the shape of the eigenmode by projecting moire grating to a flat part of the case of the agricultural machine. Time averaging is applied when investigating vibrations of the structure according to the eigenmode. In this paper possibilities of application of hybrid experimental – numerical procedures for measurements of large amplitude vibrations by reflection moiré are investigated.
Published Kaunas : Vytautas Magnus University
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2021
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