Title Statinio informacinio modeliavimo technologijų taikymo modelis pastato eksploatacijos etapui /
Translation of Title Application model of building Information modelling (BIM) technologies for operation and maintenance stage.
Authors Ūselis, Laimonas
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Pages 64
Keywords [eng] facility management ; building information modeling ; BIM ; COBie.
Abstract [eng] Building information modeling (BIM) is widely accepted practice in use in most of the countries around the world. BIM should be used in all stages of a building life cycle, however at the moment it is mostly used for design and construction phases. FM enabled BIM is completely new practice. Most of case studies in this area are done from 2018 till 2021, which indicates, that interest in it is growing. Aim of this paper is to create theoretical model of application of building information modeling technologies for operation and maintenance stage. This work consists of four parts. The first part is a literature review, which analyzes 32 scientific articles on the relationship between BIM and building management. The analysis found that the main problem encountered in applying BIM technologies to building management is the transfer of data from the model to building management systems. The second part describes the current standards and essential documents that are needed to examine the interface between BIM and building management and provides a theoretical model for the application of BIM technologies to the operational phase of a building. In the third part, the theoretical model is tested using the Dalux handover system. A table for element attribute data showcase wascreated, the responsibilities of the project participants were described, a data exchange and communication infrastructure scheme for the project participants was created, the project was uploaded to the Dalux system, all element attribute data required for building management were finalized. The fourth part presents suggestions on how to apply the advantages offered by the Dalux system using the COBie standard and presents the conclusions of the work. The results of the research - the theoretical model of application of BIM technologies for the operation phase of the building developed during the work solves the biggest problems of the interface between BIM and building management, which were identified during the theoretical part of the work. Conclusions of the final work - in order to use BIM technologies in the operation phase of the building, it is necessary to create a EIR document, select the data transfer method at the pre-design stage, perform data compatibility testing during the construction, update the BIM model after each design change. Areas of application of the work results - the theoretical model developed during the work can be applied in real construction projects, which aim at the full use of BIM technologies.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022