Title Vadovų lyderystės gebėjimai Lyderystė 4.0 kontekste /
Translation of Title Leadership skills of managers in the context of Leadership 4.0.
Authors Činikas, Deividas
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Pages 72
Keywords [eng] leadership ; competences ; Industry 4.0 ; Leadership 4.0
Abstract [eng] After performing the analysis of scientific literature, 10 different characteristics were determined that define Leadership 4.0: responsive, swarm, open, learning and innovation, agile, participative, network, trust, digital, collaborative. Also, after performing the analysis of the scientific literature factors that influenced the need for the new leadership skills were identified. The key factor is the emergence of new technologies. Based on the emergence of the new technologies, it has been found that managers who want to successfully integrate these technologies and transform organizations into ones that are digital-oriented must have certain personal, cognitive, transformational and interpersonal skills, also be visionary, innovative and focused to lifelong learning. Looking at these abilities as separate groups of abilities, a theoretical conceptual research model was developed. Based on the opinions of other researchers about the most important competencies for the manager in the context of Leadership 4.0, this model has been supplemented with a variety of competencies commonly mentioned in the scientific literature. After performing qualitative study, based on its’ results, an extended model of managerial leadership skills in context of Leadership 4.0 was prepared. This model shows that most important leadership skills to managers are: • personal and cognitive skills: insight, imagination, agility, stubbornness, openness to innovation, openness in communication, visionary, curiosity and speaking; • transformational skills: openness to change, inspiration, project management, organization of activities, persuasion, perseverance, communication skills; • interpersonal skills: speaking, concentration, support, teamwork, social perception, openness, emotional intelligence; • lifelong learning: lifelong learning, exploration, pursuit of continuous improvement, inspiration; • innovation: openness to innovation, openness to digitalization, creativity, analytical skills; • visionary: vision formation, strategic thinking, development of strategies and concepts, vision, courage.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022