Title Smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo eksporto plėtros skatinimo Lietuvoje vertinimas /
Translation of Title Evaluation of small and medium business export development promotion in Lithuania.
Authors Kavaliauskienė, Lina
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Pages 69
Keywords [eng] small and medium enterprises ; export promotion ; export development ; development economics
Abstract [eng] Nowadays, the importance of small and medium enterprises and export is unquestionable. This research study reveals that small and medium enterprises in Lithuania should function effectively and manage to concur in an international context to ensure the successful activity of SMEs (small and medium enterprises) in the first place. Even the constantly growing export part of small and medium enterprises discloses international competitiveness, the majority of Lithuanian SMEs sell their goods and services locally, and the growth of these companies may be described as stagnated. Despite the impact SMEs create on the national economy, the stimulation of SMEs export is not efficient enough, and the needs of businesses are not always heard and responded to. Respectively, the importance of SMEs weakens, and the influence of factors leading to the successful development of SMEs becomes way less apparent. Recognizing SMEs opportunities for export as a component for a successful economic expansion, and evaluating its importance not only for economic welfare but for the growth of SMEs themselves, it is vital to notice the relevancy of scientific facts which can motivate the actualization of specific export’s subjects for small and medium enterprises. The study also covers obstacles and barriers that prevent the dynamic, innovative, and competitive development of SMEs. The most important techniques for the promotion of export are explained, and essential components for the growth of export are identified, and some recommendations, giving the chance to promote the export of SMEs even more effective are given based on an empirical study.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022