Title Abnormal activity of functional groups during uranyl ions sorption by polymethacrylic acid-poly-4-vinylpyridine intergel system /
Another Title Аномальная активность функциональных групп при сорбции ионов уранила интергелевой системой «полиметакриловая кислота – поли-4-винилпиридин».
Another Title Полиметакрил қышқылы-поли-4-винилпиридин интергелді жүйелерімен уранил иондарын сорбциялау барысындағы функционалды топтардың аномальды активтілігі.
Authors Jumadilov, T.K ; Utesheva, A.A ; Khimersen, Kh ; Kondaurov, R.G ; Grazulevicius, J.V
DOI 10.31489/2021Ch4/47-56
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Is Part of Bulletin of the University of Karaganda – Chemistry.. Karaganda : Karaganda state university. 2021, vol. 104, no. 4, p. 47-56.. ISSN 2518-718X. eISSN 2663-4872
Keywords [eng] hydrogels ; intergel systems ; reciprocal activation ; sorption ; extraction rate ; polymethacrylic acid ; poly-4-vinylpyridine ; uranyl ion
Abstract [eng] Uranyl ions sorption by intergel system consisting of polymethacrylic acid hydrogel (hPMAA) and poly-4-vinylpyridine hydrogel (hP4VP) has been studied. First, reciprocal activation of PMAA and P4VP polymeric hydrogels in water environment was examined in order to predict intergel system sorption activity. Based on the obtained results, it was found that area of maximum hydrogel activation was within the ratios of 100 % hPMAA and 67 % hPMAA:33 % hP4VP. The maximum rate of uranyl ions extraction was also observed within these ratios. The highest uranyl ions sorption by intergel system occurred at 83 %hPMAA:17 % hP4VP ratio. Maximum uranyl ions extraction rate after 56 hours of hydrogels remote interaction was 82.5 %, when polymeric chain binding rate was 9.94 % and effective dynamic exchange capacity was 1.12 mmol/g. Significant increase of intergel system sorption activity within the ratios of 100 % hPMAA and 67 % hPMAA:33 % hP4VP in comparison with initial inactivated hydrogels 100 % hPMAA and 100 % hP4VP was confirmed by combined calculation data of extraction rates of inactivated PMAA and P4VP polymeric hydrogels. The obtained results illustrated changes of initial polymeric hydrogels' electrochemical sorption properties in intergel system leading to functional groups obtaining higher reactive ability, which made it possible to use them for further development of highly efficient uranyl ions extraction sorption technology.
Published Karaganda : Karaganda state university
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2021
CC license CC license description